
Restart 2013

This blog remained non-updated since March 2009, primarily due to the reasons explained HERE on my TOYSREVIL-blog, with the incident no doubt a reaction to the "leaked" footage (and remain unresolved until now, when even my Multiply account hass "closed"), and I had maintained an extremely strict *no-bloggery* about the Adamantium-clawed mutant ever since. I have not even actually seen the movie too! (And frankly, do not ever intend to).

Fast forward to the now, after 2011's splendid "X-Men: First Class" [Click HERE for coverage on the TOYSREVIL-blog instead], the world of mutants get reinvigorated, amongst The Avengers, Dark Knights and Men of Steel.


New X-Men themed movies on the upcoming horizon include "The Wolverine" (26-July 2013) and Bryan Singer is back in the director's seat with "X-Men: Days of Future Past" (2014). The divide between fictional and reality blurs a little more, with Nolan's Dark Knight, and even Marvel's own Captain America and even Iron Man. Hell, even Wolverine danced with Psy! LOL


Exciting times for X-Men movies, no doubt ("Gangnam-style" notwithstanding, I insist!)

With the advent of Twitter, Facebook and other social networking websites, the www-landscape has changed. Studios now actively release stills of film-sets, fan-based Facebooks do the investigations as much as movie websites do daily, and even the director Bryan Singer tweets snaps of production sets, to the delight of of the internets and genre websites!


You can "hide", but it is scarily how easy it might be for folks to find the "news". And while I am not an "investigative journalist", I am but a humble "hobbyist" who happens to liking blogging about what I like, who wants to enjoy his X-Men again … join me?

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